Page name: House Zapper [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-05-25 13:37:58
Last author: Zab
Owner: Zab
# of watchers: 54
D20: 3
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House Zapper

I'm a House Zapper! :O

How do you know if you are a House Zapper? And what is a House Zapper?
Well, House Zappers are people who by some reason or another zap houses. That is, if they don't have anything better to do, they click on the links on either the ''last visitors'' or ''last logins'' list. If you do this rather often, you are a House Zapper. You don't have to actually read the houses, in fact, you almost shouldn't do it to be a Zapper. It's just a way to see if you have gotten any new messages yet or any new wiki changes.

Some people gets annoyed to see the same strangers username in their house.
Well, let me say it like this: It's no use that you get annoyed, because often we don't even read the links we press on, and in any case we go through so many houses that we don't remember names and only realizes that we have been there before when we see the layout and description. I swear, we are not stalking you. We have probaly not even read what you have written (very respectless I know. My apologies.)
Besides, getting annoyed even if someone would stalk your profile or ''watch your house'' is silly because the only thing they can see is what you yourself have already put up for public view. Maybe that visitor just likes your house? That's a good thing! Or maybe it's a Zapper and havn't even read it and doesn't really care about you. Then what does it matter? :) Ignore them.
If someone is annoying you through messages you can always block them and if it's bad you can report them to the guards :)
Hope that cleared things up.

But that means I'm a Zapper!
Well; sign up. :3
House Zappers
Perhaps you're also one of the Last Logins Messengers? :O Sign up there too! (wiki by [Zel Holt])

Now you can take one of the banners :)
(by [Elegy - gone])

Username (or number or email):


2007-08-26 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: yeah...oh welll....

2007-08-26 [Linderel]: Why should there be a response? :P

2007-08-26 [Zel Holt]: YAY! People are back! I don't normaly get messages if I zap people, but for some reson it's the other way around for people who zap me.

2007-08-26 [Aliz]: I have a dilemma. Either people seem to stupid or they seem to cool. So I never start a convo XD

2007-08-26 [Zel Holt]: lol

2007-08-26 [BillyThePsycho]: they probably are both , stupid and cool 

2007-08-26 [Aliz]: no... stupid people are very uncool.

2007-08-26 [Zel Holt]: Ahh ok.

2007-08-26 [Zab]: but Aliz..I'm awesome and cool and all that, and you know how stupid I am..O_o

2007-08-26 [Aliz]: you're not that kind of stupid, zab.
There are different types of it O.o
(I'm cool and awesome and stupid too, you know ;) lol)

2007-08-26 [Zab]: I'm not? :O *offended*

2007-08-26 [Aliz]: besides... I didn't really think you were stupid... but when you admit it like that...
Hard to say no XD

2007-08-26 [Zab]: Ebiiil..I'm stupid too! .__.

2007-08-26 [Aliz]: You want to be stupid? O.o

2007-08-26 [Zab]: laidida laidiada laidi dai di day ladidai..

2007-08-26 [Aliz]: that's ok you know... I can teach you :D

2007-08-26 [Zab]: XD read your messageeeesss! I want more freaky music! I'll have a party on saturday, I want to disgust my guests with altar boys, gerbils and dead girlfriends..

2007-08-26 [Aliz]: awww XD kawaii <6

2007-08-26 [Zab]: XD

2007-08-26 [Chimes]: *Jumps into the conversation*

2007-08-26 [Zab]: oooh

2007-08-26 [Aliz]: snails?

2007-08-26 [Chimes]: Snails are cute @_"

2007-08-26 [Aliz]: I know :D

2007-08-26 [Chimes]: When I was little I used to collect snails XD

2007-08-26 [Aliz]: aww XD I used to collect worms o.o

2007-08-26 [Zab]: I have big snails here..

My dog should learn not to tease the horse..x)

2007-08-26 [Aliz]: I think they're called slugs, zab.

Awww. Poor dog XD

2007-08-26 [Chimes]: LOL Wow.

2007-08-26 [Zab]: No..sails,..those with a house..they're ggantic..O_o

2007-08-26 [Aliz]: cool :D

2007-08-26 [Zab]: XD

2007-08-26 [Chimes]: African Land Snails?

2007-08-26 [Aliz]: Are snails insects?

2007-08-26 [Zab]: Oo Vinbärs snäckor..

2007-08-26 [Aliz]: awwww

2007-08-26 [7sevin7]: Mollusks

2007-08-26 [Chimes]: I reckon I'd make a good Mollusk.

2007-08-26 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: would you now..

2007-08-26 [Chimes]: Oh yes.

2007-08-26 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: sounds fun

2007-08-26 [Chimes]: Hell yeah, I wouldnt have any limbs.

2007-08-26 [Zab]: slimy

2007-08-26 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: limbs are ovverrated

2007-08-26 [Aliz]: slime.
That's why eggs are icky.

2007-08-26 [Chimes]: True.

2007-08-27 [Zel Holt]: AHHH! more words!

2007-08-27 [Aliz]: Oh noes :O

2007-08-27 [Zel Holt]: I know, Quoting= "Not good! Not good! What are you doing?" *he says sounding drunk*

2007-08-27 [Aliz]: mmm... booze :P XD

2007-08-27 [Zel Holt]: Well I don't drink plus never will but I'm just quoting an actor.

2007-08-27 [Aliz]: mmm... baileys :D

2007-08-27 [Zel Holt]: huh?

2007-08-28 [Chimes]: Which actor?

2007-08-28 [Aliz]: booze :P

2007-08-28 [Zab]: rp!

2007-08-28 [Aliz]: hai. Had to do schoolstuff today...that's why I've been off...

2007-08-28 [Zab]: school goes before rp? :O

2007-08-28 [Aliz]: now it does >.> don't wanna flunk :S

2007-08-28 [Zab]: me..

2007-08-28 [Aliz]: sorry... I'm still trying to not be totally absent, you know :S
And I'm done with school for today XD

2007-08-28 [Zab]: XD yay

2007-08-28 [Aliz]: but I have to sleep at midnight.
Gonna go to a group thing tomorrow :P

2007-08-28 [Zab]: :O

2007-08-28 [Aliz]: what? (you're not thinking anything perverted, are you?)

2007-08-28 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: o.0;;

2007-08-28 [Zab]: D

2007-08-28 [Kyrinn]: I think she might be..

2007-08-28 [Zab]: >D hehe

2007-08-28 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: yeah maybe...o,0;;;;;;

2007-08-28 [Zab]: *innocent*

2007-08-28 [Kyrinn]: I dunno.. that halo looks kinda tarnished there.. lol

2007-08-28 [Zab]: halo? Where? :O *hides*

2007-08-28 [Aliz]: It's not perverted, Zab. We're gonna talk about San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane O.o I think...

2007-08-28 [Zab]: where is the halo? O_o

Sounds pervy

2007-08-28 [Kyrinn]: Well its not mine.. >:D

2007-08-28 [Aliz]: it's a church, smartass XD

2007-08-28 [Kyrinn]: Maybe its the ring in the background with the rope attached to it? LOl

2007-08-28 [Aliz]: I bought new shoes today :D yay!

2007-08-29 [Zel Holt]: Ahehe....

2007-08-29 [Zab]: my horse is pwetty.^^

2007-08-29 [Zel Holt]: Ahh ok, congrats. ^_^

2007-08-29 [Zab]: XD

2007-08-29 [Zel Holt]: So what is everyong talking about?

2007-08-29 [Zab]: the new wiki hookah is what everyone is talking about..*innocent*

2007-08-29 [Zel Holt]: Hookah? Oh, it's that smokeing thingy...

2007-08-29 [Zab]: XD just don't have to actually smoke..just say you want to try..XD

2007-08-29 [Zel Holt]: That's the thing, I don't want to try.

2007-08-29 [Zab]: aw,...whyyyy? It tastes good! (and if you say you don't wanna try drugs, I'll slap you hardm because that has nothing wih hookas to do)

2007-08-29 [Zel Holt]: Actualy I already have a cough/wheeze from my dad's old second hand smoke and I'd like to be able to breath this way rather then chokeing for a breath.

2007-08-29 [Zab]: oh well, as long as you don't say it's because of drugs..x) I'm sick of people thinking I'm doing drugs when I mention hookahs..
What did you smoke tho? A hookah or a cig? (cuz hookas are much nicer t your throat..I don't smoke ciggarettes or I'd cough up my lungs..)

2007-08-29 [Zel Holt]: I didn't smoke anything, my father smocked a tabaco pipe. And whenever you say hookah it reminds me of the word phooka.

2007-08-29 [Zab]: oh well..hookahs are nicer to the throat (and taste) than that..XD But it's up to you..I just want more members to chaat on the page..x) Phooka?

2007-08-29 [Zel Holt]: Ahh, A phooka is a shapeshiting fairy, They normaly show up around Samhain (All hollow's eve/ Holloween) At night, and nobody should pic potatos during that time cause if a phooka finds you, you practicaly dead.

2007-08-29 [Zab]: cool..XD I want one!

2007-08-29 [Zel Holt]: They're deadly creatures that only come out on holloween at night in potato fields cause they love potatos, they only live in ireland though. Oh! And don't get on a horse that shows up out of nowhere and offers you to ride them cause they'll drown you in a water sorce.

2007-08-29 [Zab]: we have that myth about kelpies (or ''bäckahästen'') here too..maybe slightly different :P
I still want a phooka

2007-08-29 [Zel Holt]: Oh! I know of Kelpies too. This is what one of our fairy books say of the kelie,

The Kelpie is a scottish water fairy. Although sometimes appearing in the guisc of a hairy man, this is more often seen in the form of a young horse.
The Kelpie haunts rivers a streams and, after letting unsuspecting humans mount him, will dash into the water and give them a ducking. (I think that's sopose to be dunking?)

The Each-Uisge (Ech-ooshkya) or Aughisky (Agh-iski) as he is known in ireland, inhabits seas and lochs and is far more dangerous. After carrying his victims into the water, he will tear them into pieces and devour them, leaving nothing but the liver.

If the Aughisky is ridden inland, he is quite safe, but the slightest smell or sight of sea water will spell death to the rider...

2007-08-29 [Zab]: well, I don't remember much of the swedish bäckahäst..x)

2007-08-29 [Zel Holt]: lol I'm not sure if this book has that name but I can look it up in the other book?

2007-08-29 [Aliz]: what about nøkken *has no idea what the english name is*? Don't leave him out ;___;

2007-08-29 [Zel Holt]: Nokken? Describe it please?

2007-08-29 [Aliz]: uhm... he's this ugly thing living in the water... but he can somtimes be seen as a pretty horse, tricking people to go to the water (I hope I'm not mixing it up with other stuff again... I read so much >.>)...
And when they go near the water... he turns ugly again and drowns them :D

2007-08-29 [Zab]: You're mixing Näcken up with Bäckahästen and/or the kelpie..x)
Näcken only excist in scandinavian mythology as far as I know..
He plays the fiddle and lure peoples souls with it..and he's supposed to look good..

2007-08-29 [Zel Holt]: It almost sounds alittle like the genny green teath? My sis found the book and she can only find the Nokke, It's a musical fairy? Btw do ether of you know of the most dangerous fairy?

2007-08-29 [Aliz]: Noo... he's not always looking good. But I think he can be a pretty, young boy too...
I've heard so much.
And I didn't read the stuff above, thank you. I've read the horse part from a book.

2007-08-29 [Zel Holt]: Oh ok, The Nokke is not seen it says but it's normaly heard and if you get to close it will stop or move somewhere else. Anyway, do you know of the most dagerous fairy? It's called a Red Cap.

2007-08-29 [Aliz]: Mmmm. meat XD

2007-08-29 [Zel Holt]: Meat?

2007-08-29 [Zab]: Well, Näcken can't become a horse here at least..and he's pretty as his music..x)

2007-08-29 [Zel Holt]: Well the book did say that the Nokke was in sweden. Have you seen any fairies for your self Zab, seeing as how you live near a forest?

2007-08-29 [Aliz]: the myth stuf is probably different from country to country >.>

2007-08-29 [Zab]: nope

2007-08-29 [Zel Holt]: Kind of I guess, ok.

2007-08-29 [Zab]: Xd it's even different from area to area in the same country..Näcken in skåne can give his fiddle talent away to humans (but they can't stop playing untill they get insane) but further north he cant:P

2007-08-29 [Zel Holt]: Different creatures have different abillities in a different area, just like some ants could be normal at my house yet two or three houses away there could be fire ants.

2007-09-05 [Triola]: Wow, a group of house zappers. I feel like I've come home :P

2007-09-05 [Aliz]: welcome XD

2007-09-05 [Triola]: Thank you, thank you :D

2007-09-05 [Aliz]: no problem :P

2007-12-18 [Tranquility]: wow.... I do this a lot without meaning to...

2007-12-27 [Zel Holt]: Yay more people!

2007-12-27 [Zab]: Whee!

2007-12-28 [Tranquility]: lol its like a miracle

2008-01-11 [Zel Holt]: If only they staied....

2008-01-11 [Aliz]: don't they?

2008-01-11 [Zel Holt]: I've been off for over a couple of months and no one has talked except you and I.

2008-01-11 [Aliz]: meh...

2008-01-11 [Zel Holt]: .... *bored*

2008-01-11 [Aliz]: *watching anime* XD

2008-01-11 [Zel Holt]: Lucky you... I think I'm going to go play Guild Wars here soon

2008-01-11 [Aliz]: lucky? O.o
And... I don't know what guild wars is XD lol

2008-01-11 [Zel Holt]: It's a Computer Game, an mmorpg.

2008-01-12 [Aliz]: I kinda figured it was a computer game... but I haven't heard of it before >.<

2008-01-12 [Zel Holt]: You haven't? Interesting...

2008-01-12 [Aliz]: it is? O.o

2008-01-14 [Zel Holt]: Yeah, it's almost like W.O.W. but it's free to play, and you're restricted to humans.

2008-01-14 [Aliz]: wow? *loser* XD

2008-01-14 [Zel Holt]: World Of Warcraft. *loser? who?*

2008-01-14 [Aliz]: ah... ok... I've heard of that XD

2008-01-14 [Zel Holt]: Ok, Uhg! I've been zapped... XQ <- mean x eyes with tounge out of open mouth

2008-01-14 [Aliz]: awww XD

2008-01-14 [Tranquility]: lol whoa cray O.O

2008-01-14 [Zel Holt]: Cray?

2008-01-14 [Tranquility]: lol whoa crazy* that was a typo dude I'm spel-tarded

2008-01-14 [Zel Holt]: Ahh, ok.

2008-01-14 [Zab]: its alive!

2008-01-14 [Zel Holt]: AHH! *jumps to the rafters from fright*

2008-01-14 [Zab]: *pokes with an electric stick*

2008-01-14 [Zel Holt]: AHGZTZTZTZ! *falls from the rafter*

2008-01-14 [Zab]: :D puppy!

2008-01-14 [Zel Holt]: Ugh... I'm not a puppy...

2008-01-14 [Zab]: PUPPYYY! :F

2008-01-14 [Zel Holt]: I'm part wolf not part puppy....

2008-01-14 [Zab]: Puppy!!!

2008-01-14 [Eloura]: *appears suddenly*

2008-01-14 [Aliz]: Puppy? :D

2008-01-14 [Zel Holt]: AHH! why does everybody suddenly appear? I'm not a puppy!

2008-01-14 [Aliz]: PUPPIES :D

2008-01-14 [Tranquility]: BOOGER!... what? ... boogers are animals too!

2008-01-14 [Zab]: *huggles puppy*

2008-01-14 [Zel Holt]: Ack!

2008-01-15 [Eloura]: I appears suddenly cause it's fun!

2008-01-15 [Zel Holt]: Ahh, ok?

2008-01-15 [Eloura]: *blinks now confused*

2008-01-15 [Zel Holt]: What? *he asks still being huggled*

2008-01-15 [Eloura]: Huh? *lost*

2008-01-15 [Aliz]: PUPPIES :D

2008-01-15 [Zel Holt]: Oh, no...

2008-01-15 [Aliz]: oh, yes >:D

2008-01-15 [Zel Holt]: O_O'

2008-01-15 [Eloura]: PUPPIES??? WHERE??!??!?!?!!!?!?!

2008-01-16 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: OOOOH I LIKE PUPPIES!!!been a while since ive posted here :O

2008-01-16 [Tranquility]: puppies taste good

2008-01-16 [Aliz]: humans taste good >:D

2008-01-16 [Eloura]: *applaudes everyone*

2008-01-16 [Tranquility]: no seriously puppy stew is amazing =D

2008-01-17 [Eloura]: Errr rather not find out >.>

2008-01-17 [Tranquility]: lol aww you gotta at least try it

2008-01-17 [Eloura]: ermmm i don't know.. >.>

2008-01-17 [Aliz]: human stew :D

2008-01-17 [Eloura]: Ooooo When and where???

2008-01-17 [Aliz]: I dunno O.o go find a plane crash? XD

2008-01-17 [Eloura]: *laughs* Ermmm na, i'll pass *curls up* I zap houses *says randomly*

2008-01-17 [Tranquility]: lmao man chowder

2008-01-17 [Eloura]: O.o kay

2008-01-17 [Tranquility]: lol sorry thats gross

2008-01-17 [Eloura]: Yea. *zaps page* OooOOOoOOo Fun!

2008-01-17 [Tranquility]: hahaha

2008-01-18 [Eloura]: *laughs* Lol!!!

2008-01-18 [Tranquility]: AHAHAHAHAHAHA XD

2008-01-18 [Eloura]: *gigggles* WHEEEEEEEE!

2008-01-18 [Tranquility]: lmao! wtf XD

2008-01-18 [Eloura]: Huh?!!! Just hyperish

2008-01-18 [Tranquility]: whoa O.O

2008-01-18 [Eloura]: Yea sorry lol!! ^^' *skips off to lunch* lol.

2008-01-18 [Tranquility]: lol you eat lunch this early?

2008-01-18 [Eloura]: 11:04 ish yea. Not normaly just because i am at school is why.

2008-01-18 [Tranquility]: lol wow school blows i'm glad i graduated

2008-01-18 [Eloura]: Yea it does blow. Can't wait till graduating

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